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The Prophet~6 simply oozes class, absolutely lovely synth, to play, to program and most of all to hear!


This is the first in what will be a few Patch Banks for the P6, containing 100 sounds, many with sequencer data included! (always worth hitting that Seq button to see if there are any surprises)


As always I aim to create great playable sounds easily translatable to your own Productions or for Live use. I have created basses, arps, leads, pads and my usual styled analog keys too.


The Prophet 6 deserves the commonly stated "best synth Sequential have ever made" it is truly a lovely synth, full of warmth and character. The poly mod section really brings the synth alive along with great oscillators and fantastic filter.


Demo Reel 1 - Patches 000 to 049

Demo Reel 2 - Patches 050 to 099


SM Bohmer 2 - Teaser Vid 1

SM Octave Keys - Teaser Vid 2


As always thanks!  and Enjoy! 



Sequential Prophet 6 - Divinity Vol 1

£29.99 Regular Price
£24.00Sale Price

20% Off Selected Items

    Please ensure you are selecting the correct pack prior to purchase. Due to the digital nature of our products, refunds or swaps cannot be offered.

    Individual installation instructions for each synth are contained in each pack, I am always here to assist if required.

    Please ensure you are selecting the correct pack prior to purchase. Due to the digital nature of our products no refunds can be offered.

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